Sentiment for Bitcoin is building. Reduced friction for investors to buy and hold Bitcoin related instruments is making the asset competitive with the likes of US Treasuries, securities, precious metals. We have yet to see what happens now that there are electronically traded funds linked to Bitcoin. When people run, whether motivated by fear, greed, optimism or boredom they now can include Bitcoin in their portfolio like never before.

About the author:
Joseph William BakerĀ® is a whale in the crypto currency sector since 2009. Motivated by his knowledge of the illusions practices of banks all around the world and his compassion for the common men and women around the world. He sees their labor is being stolen for the “greater good” of the pockets, power and whims of the elite.

Joseph is the founder of A venture capital firm that asserts the infinite value of every individual. It seeks to create a new ethic of valuing the forgiveness between others as a hard currency and to lay the foundations of new memorandums of understanding and terms of use for such assets.

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